To formulate, review and implement strategies in developing a sustainable platform in the market place - to facilitate company's retail operations through selling and providing end-to-end customer service for its customers.
The strategies should be aligned with creating value for its stakeholders and a sustainable future for the business and its employees through continuous enhancement of products and services.
Job Description:
Manage and oversea retail operations for all of automotive branches throughout Malaysia to ensure strategic objectives and sales/ after sales targets are met.
Analyse and review policies in pricing and trading of company cars for all operating outlets.
Establish targets and ensure operationalization of strategies in meeting targets for both sales and after sales in all outlets.
Monitor and review monthly sales and after sales performance for company cars.
Implement feedback mechanism for improvement in customer service (both internal and external).
Establish the parameters of sales and operations and enforces discipline and compliance with set standards.
Monthly reporting of sales and after sales performance.
Continuous review and analysis of market performance through institutionalizing market intelligent programmes for both sales and after sales.
Review marketplace and identify strategic locations for new setup of operations.
Responsibility for Environment, Safety and Health to ensure a safe working environment for all employees, whilst complying with local legal requirements
Job Requirement:
Education/ Professional Qualification - Chartered Management Account, Chartered Accountant Malaysia, Alternate representative to Malaysia Automotive Association
Professional Experience - In charge of IT, HR, Admin and all other IT/ERP development and implementation projects
Technical - Management technique and automotive key performance index
Ability to lead and motivate existing organization staff force to adopt a new culture of change towards performance excellent.
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