Plan and conduct regular SRI and compiling of reports. Reports are to be generated immediately after inspection.
Conduct de-brief sessions on the SRI to the members of staff.
To re-evaluate schools on the direction of the board.
Board of Management Reports
Report on IT, events, advertising and School Readiness Inspections on a monthly basis.
Bus Operation
Plan and oversee all school bus operations of the organisation.
Conduct regular risk assessments and review the standard of service provided.
Repair and Maintenance
To organize and supervise maintenance activity as directed by the Board of Management.
To conduct monthly inspections on all school premise for potential maintenance activity.
To provide a schedule for monthly servicing of computers and to generate a report on the serviced PCs. This report is to be submitted to the Board of Directors for discussion.
Procurement of computer equipment on the approval of the Board of Directors.
Installation of hard and software with proper maintenance.
Train and conduct computer workshop and basic IT knowledge.
Other Operational Duties
Manage the organisation’s relationship with vendors
Responsible for procurement of supplies, materials, equipment and inventory management of the organisation.
Collaborate with marketing team to formulate, agree and execute the marketing plan and strategy for Malaysia entities.
Implementation of the marketing plan directly through campaign programmes
Prepare online and print marketing campaigns.
Develop communication and content for social media platforms and website
Design, build and maintain our social media presence across all digital channels
Identify new business prospects through organic or inorganic growth of the business.
Conduct customer, brand and competitor research
Analyzing potential strategic partners and building relationships
Creation and publication of all marketing material (online and print) in line with marketing plans and marketing manager’s direction.
Measure and report performance of marketing campaigns, gain insight and assess against goals to determine effectiveness
Work on White Lodge “image bank” to get the best images to use for use in publications/adverts from the Centre’s.
Any other marketing task assigned by the marketing manager.
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